
name="NPC" desc="A class for generating random NPCs." link="/npc/docs/class/npc" %} name="Character" desc="A class representing a character in the game." link="/npc/docs/class/character" %} name="CharacterData" desc="A class representing the data for a character." link="/npc/docs/class/characterdata" %} name="RaceData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's race." link="/npc/docs/class/racedata" %} name="ClassData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's class." link="/npc/docs/class/classdata" %} name="Stats" desc="A class representing a character's stats." link="/npc/docs/class/stats" %} name="StatData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's stats." link="/npc/docs/class/statdata" %} name="InventoryData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's inventory." link="/npc/docs/class/inventorydata" %} name="WeaponData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's weapons." link="/npc/docs/class/weapondata" %} name="ArmorData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's armor." link="/npc/docs/class/armordata" %} name="ToolData" desc="A class representing the data for a character's tools." link="/npc/docs/class/tooldata" %}

Example Code

import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const obj = {
    raceType: "warforged",
    subRace: "juggernaut",
    classType: "fighter"

const npc = new NPC(obj);

Generates a Warforged-Juggernaut
that has the class of "Fighter"
const character = await npc.generate();
import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const npc = new NPC()
    .setRace("warforged", "juggernaut")

Generates a Warforged-Juggernaut
that has the class of "Fighter"
const character = await npc.generate();

You can overwrite settings that you have already input.

import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const obj = {
    raceType: "warforged",
    subRace: "juggernaut",
    classType: "fighter"

const npc = new NPC(obj)

// Generates a Human Bard.
const character = await npc.generate();

Passing a sub-race as the raceType and it will generate with the correct race and sub-race.

import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const obj = {
    classType: "juggernaut"

const npc = new NPC(obj);

Generates a Warforged-Juggernaut
with a random class.
const character = await npc.generate();

Leaving the raceType or classType blank, or passing an invalid type to it, will result in that thing being randomly generated.

import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const obj = {
    raceType: "warforged"

const npc = new NPC(obj);

Generates a Warforged with a
random sub-race and class.
const character = await npc.generate();
import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const obj = {
    classType: "fighter"

const npc = new NPC(obj);

Generates a fighter with
a random race.
const character = await npc.generate();
import NPC from 'dnd-npc';

const npc = new NPC();

// Generates a fully random character.
const character = await npc.generate();